Next: Motivations for an intermediate
Up: Introduction
Previous: CMB physics
Our knowledge of the CMB power spectrum has been significantly
improved since COBE measurements [5] by two balloon-borne
experiments, BOOMERanG [9] and MAXIMA [10],
and a ground based interferometric experiment, DASI [12].
These results are shown in Figure
. We observe that the
very low part of the power spectrum is highly constrained by the COBE
points while the high-
acoustic region is constrained by the
three recent experiments showing undoubtly the multiple peak feature
that is expected from inflation. This set of data therefore strongly
disfavors topological defects as seeds for the structure formation in
the Universe. Comparing this set of data with theoretical power
spectra have lead to the estimation of the cosmological
parameters [9,11,14]. The favored model is
dominated by dark energy (around 70%) such as cosmological constant
or quint essence (in agreement with high redshift type Ia supernovae
measurements [15,16]). The 30% of matter consists
mainly of dark matter and the amount of baryons is in agreement with
Big-Bang nucleosynthesis predictions and light elements abundances
measurements. One of the great news coming from these results is that
they agree very well with other measurements of the cosmological
parameters obtained with completely different methods: large scale
structure observation, lensing, type Ia supernovae and light elements
abundances. We are now heading towards a concordance model.
Next: Motivations for an intermediate
Up: Introduction
Previous: CMB physics
Jean-Christophe Hamilton ISN