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Perspectives for incoming flights

A flight campaign is planned for Archeops this winter. We plan to flight once in December 2001 and once in January 2002. We will be able to achieve two 24 hours flights at high altitude (around 40 km). This will give us much more redundancies than on the previous 7h30 flight and cleaner data due to a higher altitude. The expected accuracy on the CMB angular power spectrum was estimated using the noise measured for the last flight, 10 bolometers, but for a 24 hours flight. The result is shown in the bottom panel of Figure [*].

These simulations show clearly that Archeops will be able to measure precisely the angular power spectrum of the CMB on both small and large angular scales. The improvement compared to previous experiment will be particularly significant on the low-$\ell$ part of the power spectrum (smaller error bars and better sampling).

Jean-Christophe Hamilton ISN 2001-12-01