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Archeops is a balloon-borne experiment, designed to measure the CMB
anistropies from large (about 10 degrees) to small angular scales
(about 10 arcminutes). Archeops is also a testbed for Planck HFI, and
will provide useful information on galactic dust and point source
polarisation. The balloon has already flown twice successfully: once
during a test flight and another time for its first scientific flight
from Kiruna. The first scientific flight yielded 7.5 hours of
scientific data, with 14 detectors dedicated to CMB
measurements. Results from this flight will come soon, and we showed
that it will give good constrains on large angular scale, but less
constraining on small angular scale due to the short duration of the
flight. Archeops will fly again this Winter, in order to increase
the accuracy on large scales and measure the small scales.
F.-Xavier Desert LAOG